
the broken wings

All these unexplainable weird feelings come within my minds.

Why rain still leave its traces on the grounds and trees after a long time of its raining?

The only two things that able to diminish it is air and time.

Time is short yet medicine for every devastated hearts.

Perhaps that's how we explain about flame turns into dusts. And does everyone know whether dusts can turn back into flames?

And how bout an overwhelmed heart? Will it turn somebody into a robot without emotions and feelings? If it's too late to apologize and everything's too late when the red-flamed heart turned into a closed black door. How bout the key? Key has broken itself.

Angel won't fly bcos somebody has broken her white wide wings.

Like clouds, sometimes I protect humans from sunlights, help farmers grow their crops, but at the times, I cried myself bcos there's much burden from previous and present life.

Yes Yes....until I says " Here we go again.."

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