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Dunno why it's keep bleeding, bleeding, & bleeding more n more... The unhappiness won't stop & angel won't give me the holy water. Devil wish to take smiles away from my face & i dunno where to run to.
It's harder than it seems and you won't understand how far I've done. When sorry seems to be hardest word, the initiatives word vanish, joyfulness turn back to its nest, and what's left is the nightmare. You said u dun understand my way of thinking. And I said how it's harder for me because I dun understand how u cannot understand me and what I really need.
I've come to the critical point where I want to search for more affection, the kind of love I really need, the understanding and sacrificing love. Maybe it's too impossible. Oh yes, maybe I cannot stand on my own feet, u said. For me, yes u will understand when I dun belong to your world anymore.
Arrogant, u're too full of ur pride. It's crazy, u took me to heaven n the next day u throw me away to hell. This world is not perfect, i know, Jesus is not perfect himself. World, let me sleep in a warm blanket and let sun shines my world tomorrow morning.